Saturday, June 13, 2015

What is Larme Kei?

Larme Kei is a semi new fashion that started in 2012 with a magazine called Larme.
Larme is a magazine that showcases different brands and models that are the Larme style.
The Larme Kei style is more of a girly fashion that follows what is popular currently in Japan,
this means basically going with trends among cute or regular fashion and adapting it to the style.
While this is very smart, it also makes it one of the more toned down fashions in Japan. 

Currently, I think Larme is sorta girly and whimsical. It also has the feel of the girl next door look
added in. It is more like, hey I woke up like this, then, hey I spent an hour doing makeup.
It is one of the easier fashions to do, but is hard to follow due to it being relatively new in the
J-fashion sense. While it is still slowly trickling in over here in the USA. It is more like
regular girly fashion here than some of the other J-fashions. This makes it easy to buy clothing for!

Currently, it seems like the colors being worn the most are light pink, black, and white. However, pastels have been used this year too so far. I hope this sorta explained the fashion a little bit to you-

          -   Kat  ^.^                          

Some other really good explanations are the ones by Universal-Doll and CoffeeCupAngel!


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